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    @Miraz This looks really interesting! Thanks for posting it. You might like to read about Marie Byles, the first woman to practise law in NSW. She's an inspiration:

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    @lmika a University textbook author walks into a bar an orders their usual drink. “That’ll be $160 please,” says the bartender. “$160?” says the prof, “That’s extortion!” “You think?” replies the bartender, “but the 18th edition is so much better than the first.”

  • Replying to:

    @jsonbecker I totally agree It’s like they wrote the reviews of the Bear s3 before seeing the season, assuming it couldn’t possibly be as good… but it is! Maybe even better.

  • Replying to: @stupendousman

    @stupendousman yes, they did it so well!

  • Replying to:

    @amerpie I’m a believer in taking all the credit you can get away with! And yes, it’s embarrassing how much tv we watch these days compared with how much we let our kids watch!

  • Replying to:

    @stupendousman A Nighthawks reference in a coke studio Pakistan song partly in Gujarathi? That too was wholly unexpected and totally awesome!

  • Replying to:

    @amerpie we did this to our kids too and surprisingly they don't seem to hate us. What do your kids think of their deprived childhood?

  • @ReaderJohn I just don't understand 'trust' in the media and in politicians. I can't even work out what people think it means.

  • Replying to:

    @JohnPhilpin that quote reads like a dystopian horoscope, LOL

  • Replying to: @artkavanagh

    @artkavanagh don't you think?

  • Replying to: @pajp

    @pajp I've started to appreciate the 'favourite' star on mastodon for this reason. It signals a happy reader, without triggering an algorithmic avalanche. Only the author sees who favourites their post.

  • Replying to:

    @manton I publish on social media and get 10,000 views, then it's gone. The same thing on my own site gets 100 views, but lasts as long as I want it to. How to optimise visibility and longevity? POSSE is one solution. Any other ideas?

  • Replying to: @pratik

    @pratik the trick to changing human behaviour at scale is to work with individual psychology rather than against it

  • Replying to: @odd

    @odd Yes, Ringu is totally iconic!

  • Replying to:

    @hjalm this is really an accomplishment!

  • Replying to: @odd

    @odd It's from Caught on Tape. "We cannot be held responsible for any unexplained events or psychic phenomena that occur after viewing." Well I guess it's scarier in Japanese!

  • Replying to:

    @chrisd just take it home and watch it. It's not as though anything cursed could happen.
    ご覧いただいた後、不可解な出来事や 霊的現象が起きた場合、こちらでは一切の責任を負いかねます。

  • Replying to: @JohnPhilpin

    @JohnPhilpin Isn't that the irony? The technology connects us across vast distances - the better to misunderstand and misinterpret one another. BTW, I looked at the website from Manuel's interview. I love the term 'feral gen-xer'. But now my eyes are bleeding (in a good way, I suppose I should add).

  • Replying to: @JohnPhilpin

    @JohnPhilpin I heard a podcast recently and one guy said "did you actually talk to those people or did you just read about it?" and the other guy said "oh yeah, I just read about it. Maybe I should talk to them". I guess the whole Internet is like that. Lots of strong opinions, uninformed by face-to-face discussion. From my vantage point on the Pacific rim I see an increasingly polarized society in the US. But maybe that's just the media version. Anyway, I'm keen on less polarization, aided by real conversations. Not sure the Internet is the true home of those kinds of interaction! though: a small but valuable exception.

  • Replying to:

    @Mtt this is an inspiration - thanks!

  • Replying to:

    @Gabz Yes! Blogging is great and your blog is perfect👌

  • Replying to:

    @JohnPhilpin since you're asking for thoughts... "Beyoncé does ‘Country’ and not one word about ‘cultural appropriation’ 🤪 " - This reads like a claim that Beyoncé was appropriating country music. But then I don't know the context. Not sure how to read the emoji. Does it signal that you're not saying that? Maybe it means "you're all talking about 'cultural appropriation' a lot". Anyway, interpreting random comments is hard! Also: America, that's hard to understand too. I did my best.

  • Replying to:

    @rnv that really is a great cover.

  • Replying to:

    @Burk never doing it without permission, except when there are reasons. How else am I supposed to train my human model???

  • @miguelmanalo sensible never goes out of style!