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@alttext that's 😎
@Miraz thanks for this, it's very soothing 😊
∞ Sounds like a threat but it might be a promise ✨
∞ I haven't experienced this, but anyway I'm providing good vibes and fun times because why not?
@vivtek it's pretty massive. He did say "As soon as there was a box, there were other boxes and other boxes still."
That may be an understatement!
@robertbreen Happy you liked it, but why do I seem to find out about these events after they finish? Oh well🤷
- ∞
@ctietze yes, it's a tricky phrase to translate. I agree with the humanising element and take "learned square" to be similar to "learned professor".
∞ Yes! I've been reading Empire of Signs for a project I'm working on.
I just cannot bring myself to care about which way the toilet paper is hung.
It must always be hung the right way, as they say in both Lilliput and Brobdingnag.
@canion I heard Flyvbjerg give an excellent talk on the subject of mega-projects. His warnings relate to the proposed Australian fast rail project. Whenever they say "the world's longest rail tunnel," I think, no, it'll just be lots of short sections joined together. That or a massive cost over-run.
- ∞
∞ But he’s so clever he started a whole University named after himself. It was the most successful university ever, which proves he’s a great business genius. I wish people would keep reminding him of this.
∞ I asked my husband, a zettelkasten sicko, and he said this guy’s book is the best he’s read for this kind of thing
@David thanks for your crow updates! Here's some more questionable tree pruning, in Aix-en-Provence, France. We really don't have this here in Australia.
@SteveSawczyn thanks - I'm generally impressed with how long people do keep their podcasts going. I could only imagine doing a one-off short series, and that would be a stretch!
@bobdoto more like presenting different ways of approaching the process, clarifying options and possibilities. It's the groundwork prior to developing a system. Present a system too soon and it begs the question 'why should I do that?'
@Miraz thanks - I'm happy to be in such good company 😁
∞ Australia: 247 years denying an ocean-borne invasion and 247 years of paranoia about an invasion from the sea. It's not ending any time soon.
@SteveSawczyn I miss Micro Monday too. And Jean's other podcast The Weekly Review has ended recently as well. And Manton's Core Intuition. Any suggestions for similar listening?
∞ “Well, we half-believe.”
∞ He could also go for an honorary doctorate from Trump University
@David that's quite tragic! Random Google Street view confirms it's a ubiquitous practice. Argh 😤
@bobdoto yes that is the fun aspect (or one of them). For beginners though, even at postgad level, it can feel disorientating. Reassurance that they'll get through it is good, but a system like the one presented in your book is better!
@David that's pretty brutal 🫨