Recent Replies

  • @richardcarter this is very helpful, thank you. People underestimate how time consuming the referencing can be (by which I mean me πŸ˜‚)

  • Replying to: @tracydurnell

    @tracydurnell Thanks! This confirms my sense that it's hard to dash off a worthwhile long post, and that editing is time well-spent - at least in terms of the resulting quality boost. What's more, it shows that editing helps clarify thought.
    Have you submitted your article to the indieweb carnival?

  • Replying to:

    @davebauerart seize the day!

  • @richardcarter ah, the curly quotes thing. Don't think I can put a positive spin on that one.! A script sounds like a workable solution though

  • Replying to: @Denny

    @Denny Thanks for reminding me about Nate Hagens. I used to appreciate his Oil Drum forum and will check out his podcasts.

  • Replying to: @petebrown

    @petebrown I basically agree with your prognosis (too little, too late), but still feel that since change is happening (albeit not fast or deep enough), therefore the future isn't totally determined. It's quite hard to tell, in advance of its consequences, what counts as a real change. It's hard for me to see major global transformations (such as in energy production) and say these won't make any difference to anything, or to the things that really matter. 'Fundamental changes in how we live' sound like civilizational shifts to me. The good news is that these happen frequently. Civilizations are always collapsing and new ones taking their place. The bad news is that it's rough if you're trying to live through it.

  • Replying to:

    @petebrown > I think we would have had to have started already.

    Well, we're in the middle of an energy revolution easily as significant as the last one. BBC.COM And we can't yet see the end of it. I'm not exactly optimistic but the future's still open.

  • Replying to: @Miraz

    @Miraz Thanks for your reply - I'll check out some of his videos, since my weights routine needs a revamp!

  • Replying to:

    @Miraz this looks very interesting. I wonder what it has inspired you to do that you weren't already doing?

  • This is my 2024 reading that I commented about at

  • The whole issue of scholarly workflow, of course, has a rich history going back to commonplace books (see, e.g.,, Zettelkasten (e.g.,, and, of course, the fabled Memex (!