Recent Replies
@lmika Cory Doctorow's blogging article is inspiring
∞ Thanks very much. Compared with AI we're all writing slowly, so we might as well get used to it. Meanwhile. my range is me.
@cstross past a certain age, everything seems to be printed in white comic sans 6pt on a yellow background. Or was that...
@samjc thanks 🙏
@Annie thanks very much 🙏
@starrwulfe so true
@cstross swear away, but there's an age beyond which everything seems to be printed on 5cm x 5cm pages in grey on white in 3 point type. My bugbear is bags of pasta with massive print except for how long to boil it for. That's always tiny - the one piece of info anyone needs.
@starrwulfe getting whiplash from how fast these corporates are obeying in advance. Clearly they never believed what they were saying about respect etc.
∞ If only there was a station at Brighton-Less-Sands
∞ But mine never need replacing. Oh....
∞ It's not only stupid and supremely lazy, it's pathetic. It's like "the greatest achievement in my life is my skin tone. That's it. That's what I've got." I mean. I'm bald, but you won't find me bragging about it.
∞ The NYT should get with the program. It's called 'Sea-to-Lake' now.
@rscottjones happy to see you’re not hating it!
@amerpie Thank you. A question I have asked people about this: if you accept that to implement the death penalty, innocent people will die, how prepared are you for it to be you?
@starrwulfe it's a test isn't it? Humiliate yourself a tiny bit and you're at the top of a slippery slope. Kiss the ring and that's not all you'll have to kiss.
@writingslowly it's the basis of a whole new TV series too. And you heard it here first!
@JohnPhilpin spoiler alert!!
@manton that's certainly what my kids thought at the time
@otaviocc looks great - I'm keen to try it out. In case anyone missed it:
Micro.publish is an Obsidian plugin to publish notes directly to
∞ I loved this image of his study.
@jean I love it when the sky is reflected on the beach and the beach becomes a mirror of the sky!
@ctietze yes I'm pretty sure a large paper Zettelkasten needs an index of some sort. But I'm still struck by how so much of Luhmann's second Zettelkasten was effectively unindexed. It seems he relied on the internal references (and maybe his memory, and also some luck or chance).
∞ Edit: WiFi. I was thinking of WiFi, not Bluetooth. But Australia did produce Bluey, so there's that.
@drwalt I haven't written how I use Sublime Text for my Zettelkasten because it's almost embarrassingly simple! My notes are on a shared drive accessible anywhere I'm online. Since they're just markdown, I can edit them with any text editor. I just happen to like Sublime Text. This could be a lot more sophisticated, but it seems like there are trade-offs between complexity and robustness.
- ∞