Recent Replies

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    @Bruff good luck - we're all going to need it!

  • Replying to: @val

    @val yes it really was, and the birdsong was incredible!

  • Replying to: @JohnPhilpin

    @JohnPhilpin now I'm lost. The Unicode standard says: "Plain text is public, standardized, and universally readable"... but universally readable by whom???

  • Replying to: @JohnPhilpin

    @JohnPhilpin is anything (human-readable) that goes in a plain text file part of a plain text file? “If it says .txt on the tin, it’s .txt in the tin”. Maybe. What are the exceptions? But then, “if it says .md on the tin, it’s .txt in the tin.” perhaps I’m confusing the container and the content.

  • Replying to: @Miraz

    @Miraz Oh thanks, the hiking was magnificent! That's a beautiful country you've got there.

  • Replying to: @SimonPeng

    @SimonPeng very true. I’m interested in curiosity as a way of life. Still working on the business model 🥴

  • Replying to: @SimonPeng

    @SimonPeng true! We had a good discussion about 'content' last year. I guess when everyone's pushing buckets, everything looks like 'content'. And what of the value given to design in this context? "Do you want a red bucket, or a blue one?" I'm interested in getting beyond both content and buckets.

  • Replying to:

    @manton Om is spot on. I blog because I can (thanks to you). I'm still inspired by Dave Winer's description of blogging, from way back in 2003: 'the unedited voice of a person'. This contrasts sharply with the inverse, seen everywhere: the edited advertising of a business.

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    @ayjay in our household, we’re not blaming Donald’s truth aversion on Richard Rorty: The truth according to Trump

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    @writingslowly On the other hand, who are you going to believe - me, or Trump’s top military appointee, General Mark Milley, who says Trump actually is a fascist?

  • Replying to:

    @amerpie to be fair to Columbus, he also kidnapped several Taínos people to get them to tell him where their gold earrings came from, then shipped them to Spain as a gift for Queen Isabella. I bet they wouldn't like it if the teacher did that either.

  • Replying to:

    @amerpie nice Halloween shirt, but your post made me stop to wonder if I’d somehow missed 27 days of my life without noticing. Very scary!

  • Replying to:

    @manton is already in Font Awesome, but how do we get Font Awesome in

  • Replying to:

    @marcoarment me, for instance. I'm the right no-one 🤓

  • Replying to: @manton

    @manton Don't bother with advertising. Focus on identifying what makes users recommend, and thendouble down on that. Personal recommendations are cheaper and way more viral. Activities like the photoblog challenges are great. Participants promote the platform without even trying

  • Replying to:

    @manton do you remember that podcast interview you did where the hosts were blown away by all the features you'd packed in? is the Swiss army knife of blogging and social.

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    @mccarron posting more often? Here's why I'm writing faster with

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    @Miraz such a great name for a cinema chain!

  • @cliffordbeshers Obama joked that they stopped calling it Obamacare. I hope not!

  • Replying to:

    @MacPsych looks great! I never thought I'd say this, but we love ours. I've been surprised how much we use it for art rather than TV!

  • Replying to: @robertbreen

    @robertbreen Thanks for this reply - you're describing an interesting process. What kind of tags do you use? Are they subject-based (e.g. 'biology') or process-based (e.g. 'blog-post idea'), or both?

    ​Funnily enough this doesn't seem very far removed from my own practice of note-making. I sometimes write a long, meandering journal entry, then return to it later to extract more 'atomic' notes from it by means of transclusion.

    ​In a way this reflects a much older practice, from the era when paper was scarce and expensive. People would make rough notes on reusable wax or slate tablets, then transcribe what they really wanted to preserve later, onto paper. This two-step process allows for reflection and refinement, even if it does require a bit more work.

  • Replying to: @writingslowly

    @writingslowly sorry, I know it's a movie. but it started life as a TV pilot, which I can't get out of my head

  • @JohnBrady ooh yes! One of the uncanniest moments in TV ever!

  • Replying to: @lewism

    @lewism please spread the word! La Stilla Syndrome. This is undoubtedly my one and only shot at immortality 🤣

  • Replying to:

    @lewism I've called this delusion 'La Stilla Syndrome', after a perceptive novel by Jules Verne. People believed it was a real live opera singer, even when they could see it was just a machine.