
    💬 This is a quiet space…

    Moving to Sydney offered cheap train travel compared with Europe. “Never mind arriving,” I would say, “it’s great value just for the view.”

    Looks like they’ve finally worked out the real value proposition.

    A train carriage sign lists activities suitable for a quiet space, including reading, watching shows, listening to podcasts, studying, emailing, planning, and relaxing with headphones.

    I’m always comparing my sloppy first drafts with other people’s heavily-edited published work. So it’s no wonder I’m down on my own stuff; this is a completely unfair contest of my own making.

    That’s why I’ve found Dan Harmon’s advice enduringly helpful:

    💬 Switch from team “I will one day write something good” to team “I have no choice but to write a piece of shit.”

    In other words, ‘perfect’ is for editing, not for writing.

    💬“I had in my mind to write three books about the world as it was, using concepts and images almost like characters. But I ended up making a long detour.” — Italian author, Roberto Calasso. (Source).

    Long detour” is an apt summary of a writing life, and fitting inspiration for my latest project.

    closeup photo of waterlillies on a pond

    💬 “It was mainly a matter of transcribing and rearranging my notes… My notes were like plans for a bridge. Writing the book was like building that bridge.” - John Gregory Dunne, The Studio, 1968.

    Maybe you can create coherent writing from a pile of notes after all. writingslowly.com

    Sydney Harbour Bridge at night, with a lit-up ferry passing underneath and city lights in the background.

    Maybe you can create coherent writing from a pile of notes after all

    “My notes were like plans for a bridge”.

    I’ve argued that you can’t create good writing just by mashing your notes together and hoping for the best. That’s the illusion of connected thought, I’ve said, because you can’t create coherent writing just from a pile of notes.

    Well, maybe I was wrong.

    Perhaps a strong or experienced writer can do exactly that. Here’s John Gregory Dunne, the journalist husband of Joan Didion, in the Foreword to his 1968 book on Hollywood, The Studio:

    A passage describes John Gregory Dunne's experience writing his book The Studio, likening the predictable process to building a bridge and contrasting it with moments of creative flow. Joining Bare Island to the mainland at La Perouse, Sydney, a wooden bridge extends over a rocky shoreline beside a calm ocean at sunset.

    I imagine he wasn’t just a good writer, though.

    Surely he was first a very good note-maker.

    I’d like to hear about people’s experiences, good and bad, of using their notes to create longer pieces of writing. Was it like building a bridge, or perhaps like building a bridge out of jelly?

    a circular cartoon logo of a man tipping his hat on a black background

    HT: Alan Jacobs, who draws a different but very valid lesson from the anecdote.

    Stay in the Writing Slowly loop and never miss a thing (unless you don’t get round to opening your emails, in which case, yeah, you might miss a thing. Anyway:

    💬"The note you just took has yet to realize its potential." - Bob Doto, A System for Writing

    Why not let your reading be a smorgasbord of serendipity?

    Yes indeed, why not let your reading be a smorgasbord of serendipity?

    Here’s Anna Funder, author of Wifedom: Mrs Orwell’s Invisible Life, on working at the University of Melbourne English Department library as a student:

    “It sounds prehistoric now, but I sat at the front desk, typing out index cards for new acquisitions or requests from staff for books or journals — anything from the latest novel, to psychoanalysis, poetry or medieval studies. I read things that had nothing to do with my studies: a smorgasbord of serendipity. Despite my time there, I have never understood the Dewey decimal system: how can numbers tell you what a book is, to a decimal point?” - Every book you could want and many more

    My take on this?

    an open index card drawer in a large wooden catalogue

    HEAJ:Mundaneum by Marc Wathieu is licensed under CC BY 2.0

    💬“Peace of the sort that brings wholeness, harmony, and health to our lives only happens when chaos, confusion, and conflict are included and transcended.”

    • Harrison Owen, creator of Open Space Technology.

    Read more.

    Work as if writing is the only thing that matters

    “Work as if writing is the only thing that matters. Having a clear, tangible purpose when you consume information completely changes the way you engage with it. You’ll be more focused, more curious, more rigorous, and more demanding. You won’t waste time writing down every detail, trying to make a perfect record of everything that was said. Instead, you’ll try to learn the basics as efficiently as possible so you can get to the point where open questions arise, as these are the only questions worth writing about. Almost every aspect of your life will change when you live as if you are working toward publication. You’ll read differently, becoming more focused on the parts most relevant to the argument you’re building. You’ll ask sharper questions, no longer satisfied with vague explanations or leaps in logic. You’ll naturally seek venues to present your work, since the feedback you receive will propel your thinking forward like nothing else. You’ll begin to act more deliberately, thinking several steps beyond what you’re reading to consider its implications and potential.”

    • Tiago Forte’s summary of How to Take Smart Notes, by Sönke Ahrens
    A spiral design by Google Bard, in the style of a woodblock print

    💬 “The real issue with speed is not just how fast can you go, but where are you going so fast? It doesn’t help to arrive quickly if you wind up in the wrong place.” - Walter Murch, In The Blink of an Eye.

    Found at Austin Kleon’s post, Hurry Slowly

    💬"At what point does something become part of your mind, instead of just a convenient note taking device?"

    A question discussed with philosopher David Chalmers, on the Philosophy Bites podcast.

    🎙️Technophilosophy and the extended mind

    So much of this depends on what ‘the mind’ means. Meanwhile, we do seamlessly interact with our note-making tools, to achieve more than we could without them.

    Give it, give it all, give it now

    Manton Reece has updated his excellent and inspiring book on Indie Microblogging.

    This 1660 description of the Royal Society well describes micro.blog methinks:

    💬 “Their first purpose was no more, then onely the satisfaction of breathing a freer air, and of conversing in quiet one with another, without being ingag’d in the passions, and madness of that dismal Age”. The fediverse is an opportunity learned societies can’t ignore

    📷 Day 14| statue #mbsept

    Food for thought.

    An ancient Greek marble statue of a woman regards a museum sign with a quote from Plato's Republic, which reads: Any city, however small, is in fact divided into two, one the city of the poor, the other of the rich; these are at war with one another.

    As 9/11 is commemorated again it’s worth reflecting on why some people are wary of US foreign policy. This 9/11 is also the 50th anniversary of the Nixon/Kissinger coup in Chile.
    If you think human rights is all ‘liberal crap’, as Nixon did, that right there is why we remain wary.

    ¡Nunca más!” 💬

    The dream is diversity

    diagram of the chemical composition of coal, which is referenced in Stuart Kauffman's article

    “We co-create with one another and with nature, but by the very creativity of the Universe and us in it, we cannot know what we will co-create.

    Then what can guide us? Our guide can be a new founding mythic structure that reflects our full enlivenment: humanity in a creative universe, biosphere and human individual, and social lives that are fully lived and that keep becoming. The dream is diversity, more ways of being human as our 30 or so civilisations across the globe weave together gently enough to honour their roots and allow change to unfold gracefully. Our global woven civilisation is ours to create, ever-unknowing, facing, as Immanuel Kant said, the crooked timber of our humanity."

    Stuart A. Kauffman, ‘Why science needs to break the spell of reductive materialism’. Aeon 💬

    See also: Stuart A. Kauffman (2016) Humanity in a Creative Universe. Oxford University Press.

    Image: Chemical composition of coal.

    Stay in the Writing Slowly loop and never miss a thing (you’ll get a weekly digest of everything posted here, all in one convenient email. Nice.)

    Walter Benjamin on the obsolete book

    “Already today, as the current scientific mode of production teaches, the book is already an obsolete mediation between two different card file systems. For everything essential is found in the index box of the researcher who wrote it, and the scholar who studies it assimilates it in his own card file.”

    “Und heute schon ist das Buch, wie die aktuelle wissenschaftliche Produktionsweise lehrt, eine veraltete Vermittlung zwischen zwei verschiedenen Kartotheksystemen. Denn alles Wesentliche findet sich im Zettelkasten des Forschers, der’s verfaßte, und der Gelehrte, der darin studiert, assimiliert es seiner eigenen Kartothek."

    Walter Benjamin - Attested Auditor of Books, in One Way Street (1928) 💬


    Was the book really already obsolete in 1928, as the German cultural theorist Walter Benjamin claimed?

    If so, it has nevertheless enjoyed a long and distinguished afterlife. And Benjamin’s sly reference to what ‘the current scientific mode of production’ teaches, may suggest a certain irony in his claim.

    But the real irony is that the card index was sooner for obsolescence than the book. During the 1980s and accelerating into the 1990s millions of index cards were thrown out, to be replaced with computer databases. Despite a very niche resurgence of interest in the quaint technologies of the ‘Zettelkasten’ (German for ‘index card box’, there’s no real sign of a come-back. The book, meanwhile, has been assailed mightily by the e-book, but as Monty Python fans would say: “It’s just a flesh wound”.

    However, another way of viewing this technological transition would be to say that the card index, in the new form of the electronic database, has utterly triumphed. Now everything is just the front-end of a database, including books.

    A cardboard box on the street, containing a set of card index drawers for disposal. An attached hand-written note says: Rubbish - please clear away.


    Benjamin, W. (2016[1986]) One Way Street, Trans. E. Jephcott. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. P. 43.

    Source: www.heise.de/tp/featur…

    Cited in Stop Taking Regular Notes; Use a Zettelkasten Instead - Hacker News

    See also: Researching Benjamin Researching

    I have elephants

    1795 handbill announcing a live elephant

    A chapter of Sarah Bakewell’s book Humanly Possible considers the life and times of Renaissance scholar Petrarch. Petrarch, she says, wrote a book called Remedies for Fortune Fair and Foul (1360), which is a dialogue between three embodied figures: Reason, Sorrow and Joy. Reason’s job here is both to cheer up Sorrow and to settle down Joy.

    At one point, Joy says, “I have elephants.”

    Reason replies, “May I ask for what purpose?”

    Bakewell’s comment: “No answer is recorded.”

    (Bakewell, 2023: 52)

    💬 📚

    To build something big, start with small fragments

    Building something big from something small. That’s how everything big gets built. 💬

    Traditionally, a writer identifies a subject of interest and researches it, then writes about it. In the (my) blogging method, the writer blogs about everything that seems interesting, until a subject gels out of all of those disparate, short pieces.

    Blogging isn’t just a way to organize your research — it’s a way to do research for a book or essay or story or speech you don’t even know you want to write yet. It’s a way to discover what your future books and essays and stories and speeches will be about.

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