Micro.blog March Photo Challenge Week 2 Preview
Just thought I’d provide a preview1 of week 2 of the photoblog challenge.
Week 2 prompts: 🗓
- March 8: walk ([@lwdupont](https://micro.blog/lwdupont))
- March 9: together ([@sherif](https://micro.blog/sherif))
- March 10: ritual ([@drewbelf](https://micro.blog/drewbelf))
- March 11: gimcrack ([@jafish](https://micro.blog/jafish))
- March 12: shiny ([@odd](https://micro.blog/odd))
- March 13: connection ([@agilelisa](https://micro.blog/agilelisa))
- March 14: horizon ([@crossingthethreshold](https://micro.blog/crossingthethreshold))
We can use a few more suggestions! 💡 Email 1-3 to jean@micro.blog.
OK, day 8 has already been posted. ↩︎